If you have an online store, selecting a good e-commerce hosting provider is more important than you might think. Too many businesses fail due to slow loading times, inadequate security, and poorly managed web servers. As a result, your online store will lose many customers because they are unhappy with slow loading times.
While choosing an efficient e-commerce hosting provider, you must consider some features that will grow your online store and achieve user satisfaction. But what are those features that you should look for? This article will discuss the eight features your e-commerce hosting provider should offer.
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Features to Look for in Ecommerce Hosting Provider
You must look for features while selecting a hosting provider to make your online store successful. Consider the following key features when looking for an e-commerce host that will be a good fit for your online store.
1. High Performance
Every web hosting company will advertise itself as the best and fastest in the business, so doing research is essential. You must choose those hosting providers who offer content delivery network (CDN) and uptime monitoring in their hosting plans.
When a user connects to your site from a location far from your main server, they will be routed to a nearby CDN server instead, making load times much faster for everyone. Your e-commerce host should also include performance and uptime monitoring that notifies you both immediately if something goes wrong.
2. Bandwidth and File Storage
E-commerce websites consume a lot of file space and are also the type of website that receives the most traffic. You’ll need a host with enough resources to make your store scalable with modern technologies anytime you want.
E-commerce sites, in particular, consume a lot of storage space. Every product you upload will require multiple high-resolution images, and once your store grows large enough, it’s easy to lose track of where all your file space has gone. So, selecting hosting providers offering high bandwidth and file storage is important.
3. Scalable Hosting
In contrast to other types of websites, which grow steadily and predictably over time, the traffic to an e-commerce store can be quite variable. Customers come out of nowhere during Christmas, New Year, and other holidays, and growth tends to be sudden and exponential.
So, you must select a hosting provider which allows you to scale up alongside your business. Your hosting provider should not lock you in once you have selected your RAM and CPU. You can change your resources according to your needs. If you want a scalable hosting solution, contact web hosting Dubai and get cloud hosting plans at affordable prices today!
Read also: Speed Up Your Website to Get More Traffic On Your Business Page
4. Proactive Support
Your new website will undoubtedly possess flaws and errors. Your site could be down for hours if your host does not have a good support team ready to help when you contact them. Support should be friendly, helpful, quick, and able to work with you proactively when there is a problem.
It’s a good sign if the web host’s infrastructure and servers are well-built and experience little downtime. Look for 24-hour support because server problems can occur anytime, even in the middle of the night.
5. Full Security
E-commerce websites are full of confidential information such as credit card numbers, Paypal and bank passwords, and often the full names and addresses of users. This confidential information must be protected from hackers and cybercrimes. It’s very easy for hackers to hack poorly secured online stores.
So, look for a hosting provider who takes security very seriously and takes active measures to prevent attacks. While accepting a hosting plan from your providers, ensure they provide high security and how they do it.
6. WooCommerce Integration
If you’re starting a store in WordPress, you’re probably using WooCommerce. Not all web hosts are immediately compatible with that plugin. You may not encounter any problems at first, but your site may not perform as well as it could due to a lack of advanced functionality such as WooCommerce-specific caching (and more).
PCI compliance is another important requirement from your e-commerce hosting provider. The payment card industry (PCI) is a set of security standards designed to prevent user data from being leaked due to inadequate website security.
Read also: How UAE VPS Server Can Enhance Your Website Speed
7. Developer-Friendly Environment
Finding a host that supports developers who want to explore advanced hosting options can be difficult. Web hosts understandably do not want inexperienced users tampering with critical files and bringing their entire website down.
But you need to update some WordPress files and set up tools like WP-CLI; many hosts won’t let you do that. So, choose a hosting provider that allows users to update and modify the site with advanced and useful features.
8. Automatic Backups
We cannot emphasize enough the importance of backups for e-commerce sites. Automatic data backups are essential. A solid backup system must be in place to protect your critical store and database files on a daily, weekly, or even hourly basis in some cases.
If you don’t have a recent backup, you’ll waste a lot of time and effort attempting to restore everything to normal. You could end up losing everything. That is why you need a host with backups to confidently run your business. Do you want a hosting plan with regular backups? Contact a web hosting company in Dubai and get the best hosting plans at affordable rates.
Choose the Best Hosting Provider Today!
Every business with physical stores opts to launch an online store to increase sales. Online store sites require efficient web hosting with many features. Now must read all the important features which an e-commerce host should provide. Most folks also explore web hosting in Dubai because of their efficient e-commerce hosting plans at cheaper rates.
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