Fuel Up Your Life And Do Everything with Love

Fuel up life with love

Life has become so hectic today. Now call it to work commitments or a competitive environment which keeps you engaged in some sort of work. But amid such a scenario, we have been drifting apart from one very special part of life. It is love. It has been noticed that people are not able to find peace leave alone love. They have become prone to be surrounded by negativity around them. Everyone has been after success and making money, excluding sparing time for their loved ones. 

The definition of love has been changed today. It is mostly attached to the relationship between partners. But it is not what you think. Love is an ocean, the more you give, the more you get. Failure is a very crucial factor that sweeps off love from a person’s life. If he or she is dejected by a partner or any other, they think life has come to an end. This makes them fall into the deep shallowness of depression, anxiety, and fear. They need to think that it is not the end. 

Citing an example, if water gets stuck on to a particular place, it starts stinking. Similarly, if we want to experience love, then we need to come out from the gallows of sadness. Life never stops for anyone, but the moment shared with a person always remains recorded in our memories. Even if it is for a short duration, but it does make an impact. 

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Do Everything With Love

Love is not confined to finding a partner to share your feelings, joys, sorrows, and other things. It can be experienced by enjoying small things. Now, it may sound weird to you. Suppose you are being given a task that you have never experienced, you feel nervous and irritated. But if you love doing that task then it will certainly fetch good results unexpectedly. Similarly, in the relationship, we must not dwell on the dark past or any painful memory. 

As it says life has to go on, so fill up the life with good thoughts and love. Note that love breeds love and hatred breeds hatred. Citing another example, you must have noticed that people often are forward in times of celebrations be it your birthday or wedding. But when it comes to death or going for cremation, you will find them walking behind. This means when you are happy people will always be around you, but if you are alone and sad, then people will let you alone only. 


One needs to fill his/her life with love because it does not demand anything in return. The more you give, the more you get. Love is the key to bring positivity to your life. And positivity leads to happiness that too comes from loving someone unconditionally. It can be any stranger whom you have met for a short while. Animals and birds too understand the language of love. So why not make them the partner of your happiness. Even if they don’t speak, they will respond to you with love for the love that you give to them. So start loving!

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Manoj Singhaniya

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