Let Life Be the Taste of Your Medicine, Not the One of Someone Else

enjoy your life

Someone once told me that we should keep our surroundings well and of the right people. I didn’t focus on it much, but now when I do, I think it was right. I think people around us are our greatest influencers; we need to choose them wisely.

Grab it, before you lose it

Opportunities don’t come often, but when they do, do we recognize them? Our only job then is to realize it, grab it, and make the most of it. 

Sometimes there is never a plan ever for what we do – not that am I saying it’s not essential to have a plan, but it’s fair to let the universe sometimes guide you to those opportunities. All you need to do is, be active enough to pick them rather than crying on the ones you lost or the ones you never got. Squeeze hard enough to let every drop of that opportunity come out. And this effort of you squeezing hard is considered to be the drive you have in you, the ambition.

No matter where you are in life, no matter how much you have struggled, but you have never arrived enough to explore new opportunities. There is nothing wrong with being ambitious and taking chances to achieve your goals. The results might not always be in your favor, and when that happens, you might get loads of criticism but don’t let yourself in for those voices.

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Perception is reality

We all have our perception, some believe words define an individual, and I believe, that action speaks louder than words. It is all about perception, the power of perception we have for ourselves is our reality, and the perception that others have about us is theirs.

Don’t let anyone tell you the personality you should have, be your owner and build the one you want; guidance is required, but a thin line between guidance and control should be maintained. Otherwise, the personality that you have would be the one the perception that the other had about you. 


Be the owner of your decisions

Decide for yourself. It’s okay to be confused, but it is necessary for you to be sure about one thing that whatever you do or the choices you make, it should be solely your call and not the influence of anyone. 

Listen to what everyone has to say, but it’s not necessary to implement unless you want to.

Don’t ever let any situation or anyone dictate to you who you should be. Never settle for your life goals on someone else’s benchmarks, no matter how experienced they are, it won’t be fair to your choices or yourself. No one will ever fight for your opinion, your actions, your thoughts or, your dreams, except you. 

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Turning down on opportunities that you think are not good or you won’t be interested enough if taken is fine or thinking that it was the right choice to make at that time. No one is going to live your life, but they are surely going to tell you that what is right for you, you should have taken it, I gave you a chance. But after all those things, your path will be your own – it won’t belong to anyone. Your failures, your success, all of it, your journey will solely be yours and not favor by anyone. 

Never settle or compromise for anything. Of course! Some relations ask for compromise, but in the end, it’s your call if you want it, then do it. 

None of us like to fail, but you will certainly fail once or twice or more, it’s the way it is, and there is nothing we can do to stop that failure. However, what you do after that failure will decide where you land up.

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See also  The Emotional Dynamics of Divorce: Navigating Change with Understanding and Support

Vithika Moghe

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