Lord Krishna: The Perfect Master With Practical Teachings

Lord Krishna

We all do worship several demigods as per one’s own faith. But among these, there is one who appears to be a perfect master with practical teachings in today’s contemporary era. Any guess whom I am pointing to? 


Well, no need to start counting the fleet of several Hindu gods and goddesses. I am referring to the most handsome god who makes everyone fall for his soulful flute music and forever smile, Lord Krishna, the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu.


Krishna has numerous names including Madhav, Ghanshyam, Murlidhar, and so on. He played a very pivotal role in helping the Pandavas who were on the path of dharma in combating against 100 Kauravas including the eldest one Duryodhan. 


It was indeed the uphill task for Pandavas in defeating the huge army of Kauravas. But when Narayana is there, then fear does not dare come close to you. And so it happened. With the help of Krishna, Pandavas came out victorious in the end. 


Today let me mention some of his teachings that are practical in the contemporary world. 


Do Your Duty


Lord Krishna inspires us to concentrate on the duties that are allotted to us. We often care about the results first, which is not right. If you do your duty well, then the outcome will also come the best. 

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There Is Always A Reason Behind The Cause


With this teaching, Krishna wants to say that there is always a hidden reason behind every cause be it good or bad. He tells us to drop worries over the things that are beyond our control. Accept whatever comes in your way. 


 Controlling Anger


Anger is the worst enemy to any human being. This negative trait spoils relationships with friends and creates more enmity. Hence, Krishna advises us to control this hidden demon within us. The worst thing it does is destroy your intellect and lead you to the path of hell.

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Manoj Singhaniya

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