Luck Vs Hard Work: Which Drives To More Success

Luck Vs Hard Work

We all have been believing a notion that reads hard work is the key to success. But it is often noticed that besides putting so much labor towards a particular goal, you don’t get the taste of success that you expected. 


Or even if you get it, it is not up to your expectations. This makes your spirit down. Often there are examples where people who do not make much hard work get fruitful success than those who do hard work but do not get equivalent success like them. 


Is Luck The Main Factor?


Well, one cannot deny the factor of luck playing in everyone’s life is getting a taste of success. But do you think it is the only factor that defines our possibility of success in life? 


Of course, not. Luck only favors those who do work hard, but yes, some people are bestowed with good luck and achieve what they want. 


But the reason for their success lies in choosing the career in which they expect to get success. We sometimes choose the path that is not right for us. 


And then besides all the hard work that we give in goes waste, due to some success, or not at all. 

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Think Your Best


So now what you need to do is to first analyze your skills, and figure out the field where you are confident to shine with success. 


If you understand that then there will be no reason your efforts will go wasted despite hard work. 


It hardly matters whether you are highly literate or not, even an illiterate person can fetch out his living with something he or she has perfection in it. 


At last, there is no alternative to hard work. Luck works when you do it. So don’t abstain from putting effort. 

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Manoj Singhaniya

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